Terms and Conditions

It is important when you hire or use Grantley Village Hall that you read and understand these Conditions of Hire. They do apply in all cases, whether you have formally agreed to them or not. 


These terms and conditions apply to all those who book and use Grantley Village Hall. They are part of an agreement between the Village Hall Charitable Trust and the hirer, who may be an individual or an organisation represented by an authorised person. 

The terms and conditions should be read in conjunction with: 

  • the Village Hall Booking Confirmation which may be obtained by making an enquiry via our Contact Form.
  • the Schedule of Charges, which provides details of:
    • charges for hire of the Hall
    • invoicing
    • standard settlement instructions
    • deposits; and
    • cancellation.
  • Using the Hall (link) which offers detailed guidance supplementing these basic terms and conditions; and
  • the Village Hall Manual (link) which contains:
    • Policies
    • Risk assessments
    • Instructions on use of the facilities

Copies of all these documents are available on the Village Hall website, and by e-mail on request, whilst hard copy versions are available at the Hall. 

All the conditions, plus any special conditions imposed at the time of booking, apply unless specifically excluded in writing in the Booking Confirmation. 

Signing or signifying agreement to the Booking Confirmation certifies that the hirer is aware of these terms and conditions, will abide by them and will ensure that those who use the Hall in conjunction with their booking act in accordance with them. The Village Hall Charitable Trust will assume that anyone signing on behalf of an organisation is duly authorised to do so. 

In the event of someone using the Village Hall without signing or specifically agreeing to the Booking Confirmation, then it will be deemed that they are aware of these terms and conditions, will abide by them and will ensure that those who use the Hall in conjunction with their booking act in accordance with them.

Village Hall Booking AgreementDownload